Career Coaching Your Teens: A Guide for Parents
prepared for Alberta Employment and Immigration the assignment
- structural and stylistic editing and rewriting for a handbook to help parents talk to their teens about career planning and career choices
Download handbook intended audience
- parents of teens in Alberta
- career practitioners and teachers who counsel teens and parents about careers
graphic design
- Bernie Roessler, Plumbheavy Design
- The original handbook was prepared for a national audience in the 1990s. Over the years, numerous writers had a hand in updating the content and modifying the structure. The result was a haphazard collection of information that no longer served its original purpose.
- Project work included
- standardizing the style and voice - developing a tone appropriate for the audience - developing a structure that made the information easy to understand and easy to find at a glance - working closely with subject matter experts to clarify meaning and ensure that the flow of information was logical - rewriting in plain language to create an interesting, easy-to-read, informative publication - following style guidelines specified by the client - developing a project-specific style sheet |